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Using AI for Film Production – (Stable Diffusion, GPT3, Text-To-Video, and more)

Updated: Jan 14, 2023

tldr; A former AI engineer turned film maker 🤖 🎥 documents his experience of using AI throughout the entire film production process. #MakeAVideo #DreamFusion #GenerativeAI #GPT3 #StableDiffusion #TextToVideo


  1. Introduction: The Ordinary World (this article)

  2. Concept/Logline Generation: The Call To Adventure [TDB]

  3. Script Generation: Refusal of the Call [TBD]

  4. Title Generation [TBD]

  5. Pitch Generation and Crowdfunding: Meeting the Mentor(s) [TBD]

Introduction: The Ordinary World

Welcome to my foray in the world of AI-assisted film production! In this project, I'm going to document my use of AI wherever possible in the entire film production process.

My name is Andrew. I am tech company founder and, as of!....a film producer 🎥 🎬! In a past life I was an AI research engineer.

Whilst loads of articles discuss the creative content generation aspects of AI (i.e the occult art of prompt engineering), this series will track my experience and explore the results of using AI more generally in filmmaking – from mundane pre-production tasks to post production and VFX. I'll do my best to steer clear of jargon on both sides and educate as I go 🤯.

I hope to simplify the process for myself as a first-time film producer, my main goal is to find ways in which AI can make tasks easier or faster (new company ideas anyone? 👀) – particularly for independent filmmakers who may not have access to larger budgets or resources needed for more traditional film projects. I also hope to use this series as a platform for collaborating, meeting, and learning from others who are far more knowledgable on the topic than me.

In the last few years new AI technologies have exploded - most notably with OpenAI debuting GPT-3 and DALL·E. This has been spurred on by movements such as stabilityAI and DreamFusion, Midjourney, Make-A-Video, and others trying to increase the accessibility of complex artificial intelligence models into creative workspaces and tasks.

Whilst I have previously worked as a research engineer in AI I am by no means an expert in the space of generative text, image or video AI. Also, whilst I am a professional actor, this is my first time producing a film. No doubt then my offence is doubled. There will be many mis-steps that are obvious on both fronts to professionals in each domain. I ask you then, knowledgable reader, to get involved in shaping where this project goes by guiding, supporting, and critiquing me each step of the way 🙏

Prologue: Some Pre (Production) Thoughts

Around 5 years ago I wrote a series of articles about how AI does not replace human work, but rather increases productivity by taking over certain tasks so that we can focus on more interesting activities requiring complex reasoning or creative decisions.

At the time I was the founder of an ambitious deep tech AI company looking to automate all manner of online work. Back then, the field seemed wonderfully theoretical from my ivory VC funded tower. Five years on, with significant developments in AI, and working closer to the creative coal face, I want to check how my thoughts stack up now and how the latest developments impact working creatives.

I still do not expect AI to replace the creativity that goes into making a film – rather, I hope I can use it to augment my own creative experience.

With all that said then, I'm setting out to make a low-budget (<£50K) movie using AI and at every stage in the film production process. So grab some popcorn 🍿 and let the learning ~~ die hard~~ start 😊!

Follow me on instagram to keep up to date with the latest videos from the project and remember to subscribe to the blog!

This article was generated by GPT3 and Edited By Andrew OHarney

Disclaimer: I do not claim that the project is made solely using AI. Indeed, the project would not be possible at all without my wonderful creative colleagues here at Simmy And The Whale.

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